Of course many people who read the title of this meditation today will answer: “I feel more comfortable in the light”. Now, my brother, my sister… it is not about the day’s light and darkness… it is about spiritual light and darkness. You see, when someone has lived in a basement for years where there is no light, that person can walk around that basement without even bumping into anything that might be on the floor. Just like a blind person would walk around their own house without a stick because they know exactly where everything is. Now, you who have been living in the light all the time, if you are taken to that dark basement, you will start bumping into everything, just because you are not used to darkness. This is what often happens to Christians who are trying to conform to the world instead of bringing the Light that lives in them in the world. Sadly enough, many people, including believers, don’t want their lives exposed to God’s light because they are afraid of what will be revealed… yet, sooner or later, the truth will always come out: “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open” (Luke 8:17). Besides the Bible says: “light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed” (verses 19-20). The fact is, most people who live in darkness are resistant to change, that is why we should not be surprised when those same people are threatened by our desire to obey the Lord’s commands and do what is right, because they are afraid that the light in us may expose some of the darkness in their lives. The Bible also says that: “whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God” (verse 21). Therefore, we should not be discouraged by those who live in darkness around us, but keep them in our prayers so that they can one day see how it is much more pleasant and peaceful to live in the light rather than in the darkness. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [retweet] [facebook]