TODAY’S MEDITATION – Are you in need or are you needed? (Acts 9:36-43)

In today’s passage, Luke is sharing the story of Dorcas to show us an example of how the power of the Resurrection can affect our lives. My brother, my sister faith in Jesus is spreading and lives are being transformed by the Holy Spirit in amazing ways. Don’t be late or miss this call. Today’s passage reveals to us three great examples of what Spirit-filled authentic Christianity looks like in action through the sacrificial life of Tabitha/Dorcas, the incredible faith of the disciples at Joppa and the boldness of the Apostle Peter.

My friend, let’s understand that the same power and activity that we see here is available to us today. In our individual lives and in the life of our churches we can experience so many things that can only be attributed to God’s power and authority working within and through us. And as we read this text, the manifestation of God’s power started because of the works of someone: Tabitha! Yes, that is where Early Church Christians, like Tabitha, made such a positive impact in the history of Christianity: they indeed worked for the Kingdom. And for some reason, in today’s Christianity people want to receive from God, but are not ready to work for Him. Tabitha’s grace of providing money, food and clothing not only kept many people alive and kept families intact, it greatly promoted the cause of Christ. Around Joppa, Tabitha was known both as a spiritual and physical life saver. And she became needed. Tabitha’s sudden death revealed just how valuable she was to both the Jewish and Greek community. Her sudden death was a major blow to everyone.
So, they decided that they would go for a miracle beyond imagination, OUT OF LOVE… and her death was going to bring such a void that awoke people’s faith to seek God… And God displayed His power by using Peter to resurrect Tabitha, which brought a revival in that area.

My friend, our churches and our communities desperately need people like Tabitha, like the disciples at Joppa and like the Apostle Peter. We need people who are completely surrendered to God and are willing to accomplish the impossible for the cause of Jesus. We need people who will courageously seek God’s Holy Spirit anointing and to then go in that anointing and share the message of Jesus at work, at home and everywhere. The Lord is not looking for people in need to serve Him, for He provides for our needs (Matthew 6:25-34)… He is looking for people who want to be needed to be able to make a difference. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.