It is so common to hear believers say “God will provide” as if God provides just to provide like that. Many end up abandoning faith just because the provision they have expected to come from the Lord delays or does not come. My brother, my sister, the truth about God’s provision is that it is just like any of His blessings: it is conditional!!! When the Lord provided a lamb to Abraham, it was after Abraham obeyed by giving Him Isaac, therefore showing His total trust in the Lord. Now, you have been waiting for God’s provision and have not seen it. Well, it is time you asked yourself why instead of waiting for it in vain. I did not say ask God “why?” Today’s verse David says: “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.” Allow me to remind you that throughout the Bible, we see that as long as Israel obeyed God’s laws, food would be available for everyone, they would win their battles, etc… yes, then God provided! And whenever Israel forgot God, they also faced great disillusions and hardships as God remained silent with them. My friend, stop waiting for God’s provision if you are not ready to check yourself first to know why it has delayed, for what trigger’s God provision in your life is in you, not in the circumstances or in anyone else… And remember that David said that provision is for those who are righteous! The problem with many people is that they think that the grace we have received through Christ has changed the principles of God. That’s entirely wrong! You want to see His provision in your life, start equipping yourself through obedience to His principles and by living a life that is right in His sight. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [facebook] [retweet]