My brother, my sister, do you know that “This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength”? (Nehemiah 8:10)
Many people, including believers, lack joy. Why? Because they feel oppressed, overwhelmed or dissatisfied by this life. My friend, do you enjoy your Christian status? You see, you cannot enjoy God or God gifts without enjoying your present life that He has allowed, in His sovereignty. Let me remind you that the breath of life is a gracious gift of God! It is quite simple: when we live to glorify God, in other words by living to please Him, He responds by giving us overwhelming joy. You may think: ‘Well, I have a tough life. I just don’t have any joy.’ May I suggest something simple? Start praising and glorifying God with that life, keeping in mind that some people are no longer in this life to be able to do so and would certainly have appreciated being in your condition right now instead of being gone forever.
You see, joy does not necessarily always make sorrow, discouragement, pain, and failure go away, but as Christians, we can experience supernatural joy even in the midst of those things. In fact sin is ultimately the only thing that can steal Christians’ joy. Therefore, my friend, when your joy begins to fade, it is a sure sign of encroaching sin or unbelief. What can you do in times like that? Get down on your knees and confess the sin in your life to God. Also, learn to pray like David, “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation” (Psalm 51:12). Then yield to the Holy Spirit and joy will return.
My friend, Jesus desires that His joy remain in us (John 15:11). His joy that we know in part now is what we will know perfectly in heaven. Perhaps one of the greatest promises in the Bible is “We shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Does this verse not stir joy in you? Unfortunately, some people’s joy is based on earthly, perishable goods that can be lost overnight… that’s why their joy changes according to the time and circumstances such as stock price. Yet, the Bible says our eyes should be set on things above, for true and lasting joy comes from above. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.