Today, let’s concentrate on what it means and it takes to be holy according to the Lord. My brother, my sister, the sad fact that many churches and believers are not experiencing the power of the mighty Lord is something that should require our attention. Is Jesus alive or not for you? If He is alive, and all believers know He is, why then would a believer’s life be more focused on life’s worries than on Him? Of course, suffering will be on earth until Christ’s kingdom is established… but until then, Jesus did not leave us orphans. So, why are many believers living as lonely and wandering orphans on a street? Why is it that many churches are not leading people to live a life that is pleasant and acceptable to the Lord, strategically preaching only about miracles, thus and some people go to church for the prophetic messages or miracle deeds rather for Jesus.
My friend, is the professing Christian church doing its part really when so many people are still living in their impious or sinful or worldly ways and are happy to do so? They think that by the blood of Christ, they can carry on in sin, so they don’t need to worry about the Ten Commandments because they believe we just need the grace of Jesus. Is that the gospel? Certainly not. Exactly, Jesus’ grace is undeserved, so it may not be granted to us too! Therefore we should be striving to give our all for Christ, after all it was sin that put Him on the cross. The Bible is addressing each believer : “Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?” (Romans 6:1). We should be seeking to lead holy lives for Christ if we truly acknowledge that we have been crucified for Him. The problem is that very often we want to be Christians without the cross. Well, Jesus said: “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24).
My friend, may this meditation lead each of us to examine our own ways: have you abandonned your selfish ways? Have you taken up your cross? If not, then it would be hard for you to follow Christ… as simple as that. Maybe that’s the reason why you have found it hard being a follower of Christ. Nobody can love their sins and love the one who died for our past, present and future sins… Let’s not deceive ourselves. The light of the Word and the Spirit of God are there to help us overcome and abandon our wicked ways to do what is pleasant to Jesus… allow the cross to really have a meaning in your life today. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.