Today Christianity is the greatest battle that every Christian must fight. hat is why the Lord is asking us His followers that “WHEN THE SON OF MAN COMES, WILL HE FIND FAITH ON THE EARTH? (Luke 18:8). My brother, my sister, Jesus Himself said to follow him, we must be prepared to go through what He experienced: disappointments, sorrows, trials, betrayals, misunderstandings, etc. Yes, this is also our cross. In addition, Satan will never leave us alone once we decide to follow the Lord, how much more when we are serving His. But, as this verse says, my friends, “we boast in the hope of the glory of God” (verse 2) because our sufferings produce what will help us to keep our faith to the end: perseverance, character and hope (verse 4). Yes, my friends, as Jesus suffered the deepest suffering for you, before He said “it is finished”, You cannot grow in Christ-likeness without struggle. You cannot reach spiritual maturity either without going through the fires of disappointment, sorrow, trials , betrayals, accusations, etc. But never be discouraged because you have the assurance that Jesus intercedes for your protection, “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one” (John 17:15) and the victory was already win on the Cross for you. Also, be assured nothing God allows to happen in your life is accidental or without a purpose. The Lord is shaping you and preparing you for the glorious future He has in store for you because He wants you to share the glory of Christ when He returns. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.