Has there ever been a time when God delivered you through a crisis, and you knew that it was God and only God that did it? My brother, my sister, today, know that there are crisis that we bring into our lives through disobedience and rebellion, and there are also crisis that come into our lives as a byproduct of the divine hand of God, to teach us, and guide us into a deeper life of devotion, faith and trust in the Living God. But in all that, we need to learn to trust in Him by praising and be thankful for all circumstances, whether they look good or bad to us! Besides, remember that a heart that complains or whispers all the time cannot be a heart that praises the Lord or that is thankful to Him! Indeed, most of our prayers are always turned towards ourselves, because we want to get through an unwanted situation so much that we always forget about who we believe in: the Lord of lords, the King of kings who defeated even death! Just stop one minute and figure out how many prayers you address to the Lord that are especially turned towards Him in a week. Even most church programmes are turned towards us: deliverance, healing, breakthrough, restoration, repentance, etc. Look around and see how many leaflets you can find that say there is a special conference to praise, worship and give thanks to the Lord! My friends, the Lord expects praise and thanksgiving from us all the time. Yes, when God delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt, when He parted the Red Sea, when He sent Jesus to redeem us from the slavery we were in the world… all those are things only God could do. Now, once on the other side of the Red Sea, the children of Israel started singing praise to Him, but before that they were complaining about God when they doubted they could cross the sea. My friends, the truth is that God has already delivered us through the Cross… but instead of continuously thank Him, praise Him, adore Him, we mostly ask Him to bless us, to deliver us, to heal us! What a paradox when a Christian who says:”The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not wan” (Psalm 23) also stands before the Lord asking Him for something they want! If you know you shall not want because you trust Him, then praise and thank Him while waiting in faith for Him to give you… My friends, when God finds a people that praise Him, and thanks Him regularly, He will do mighty works for that people. He did it for Paul and Silas: “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. The jailer woke up, and when he saw the prison doors open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped.” Praise the Lord, thank Him… He can set you free too. (Acts 16:25-27). Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [facebook] [retweet]