Sometimes we look at people around us who do not believe in God with envy because they do what they want or live on their own terms. Today’s passage tell us that to people who refuse to believe, God’s punishment is like an angry fire and to those who love Him, His mercy is a refuge, supplying all their needs without diminishing His supply. Isn’t it amazing to know that “The Lord will restore the splendor of Jacob li…ke the splendor of Israel, though destroyers have laid them waste and have ruined their vines” (Nahum 2:2)?
Yes, my brother, my sister, no matter what the destroyer does in your life, the Lord will restore it for His own glory. All you need to do is ensure you are His friend, not His enemy, because His mercy and love are your refuge eternally. Nobody can defy God, the Almighty, the Creator of all the universe: He controls the sun, the galaxies and the vast stretches beyond. My friend, it is not because the devil is prowling around in fury that you have to be scared, for the power of the Lord is far greater than that of the devil or any armies and nations combined. Just with one word (Matthew 8:5-17), the Lord can change your life, your situation! Abide in His everlasting love, which is your refuge. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.