Day: May 5, 2020

MEDITATION DU JOUR – Personne ne déterminera ton avenir parce que le monde va mal (2 Corinthiens 6:16)

Mon frère, ma sœur, le Saint-Esprit en toi a fait de toi l’église de Christ. Par définition, une église est ‘ekklesia’, ce qui signifie « ceux qui sont appelés ». Cela signifie que nous sommes des appelés de Dieu. Rappelez-vous, Dieu a dit: « Quel rapport y a-t-il entre le temple de Dieu et les …

MEDITATION DU JOUR – Personne ne déterminera ton avenir parce que le monde va mal (2 Corinthiens 6:16) Read More »

TODAY’S MEDITATION – No one will determine your future because the world is going bad (2 Corinthians 6:16)

My brother, my sister, the Holy Spirit in you made you the church of Christ. By definition, a church is ‘ekklesia’, which means “the called out ones”. This means that we are called by God. Remember, God said, “What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living …

TODAY’S MEDITATION – No one will determine your future because the world is going bad (2 Corinthians 6:16) Read More »

TODAY’S MEDITATION: Who is sitting on your throne? (Ephesians 5:18)

My brother, my sister, who is sitting on your Throne? Knowingly or unknowingly, we all have erected a throne in our lives. For some people, their spouse is sitting on it, others it is their family or children, for others it could be money or work… and finally, for the wisest among us, it is …

TODAY’S MEDITATION: Who is sitting on your throne? (Ephesians 5:18) Read More »